New Minima Colored Redesign

New Minima Colored Redesign Responsive Blogger Template New Minima Colored Redesign

New Minima Colored Redesign merupakan versi yang lebih sederhana dari template New Minima Colored. Template kali ini sengaja dibuat lebih sederhana sehingga saat proses memuat halaman menjadi akan lebih cepat dan ringan.

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Features Availability
Responsive True Cek
SEO True Cek
Google Testing Tool Validator True Cek
Custom Threaded Comment True
Dynamic Heading True
2 Column True
Light Base Theme Color True
Simple Flat Design True
Auto Read More with Thumbnail True
Responsive Ad Slot True
Breadcrumbs True
Related Posts with Thumb True
Search Box True
Social Share Button True
Smooth Scroll back To Top True
Better Print Page Layout True
Custom Subscribe Box Widget True
Contact Form Widget True
Well Documentation True

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Remove Footer Credits
For Unlimited Domains
No Encrypted Scripts
And Many More...

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